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Add On: Making publication ready figures#

In this short text I will try to put some guidelines of how to generate plots with an appropriate size, such that you can use the examples right away in your Jupyter notebook.

You would like to assemble your Figures in a manuscript from plots that you generate as PDF files, i.e.they contain vector graphics. This has the advantage that you can scale them to the appropriate size afterwards such to squeeze them in on-column or two-column Figures. While this is tempting, it is carrying the danger that you scale each plot differently and then all plots have different axis label sizes and tick sizes, which finally creates a mess.

To prevent that, one could readily start creating the plots in the appropriate size of on-column or two column use with all the same axis and tick label sizes. Here are some hacks, that allow you to create and save production ready plots directly from your Jupyter notebooks.

Creating a plot with a specific bounding box size#

If you create a plot in matplotlib you can specify a size with the parameter figsize, e.g.


for a figure of a width of 3 inches or 7.62 cm and a height of 2 inches (5.08 cm). If you do not use this parameter or if you even do not use the plt.figure() command, matplotlib will use the default size, which is often 8 inches times 6 inches. The default size is way to big as the figure would be then just a whole A4 page wide. A proper size of a plot for a single column in a two column paper would be the above 3 inches times 2 inches as a the whole paper width is 21 cm minus a marging of about 3 cm on each side gives a column width of about (21-6)/2=7.5 cm.

The Plot shown in Figure @fig-1 is created with the following commands

plt.figure(figsize=(3,2), dpi=150)
plt.xlabel(r"angle $\theta$ in [rad]")
    bbox_inches = 'tight')

The resulting PDF file contains a plot that has a bounding box, that is exactly 3 inches times 2 inches. So if you insert the plot in any drawing program like Adobe Illustrator, Affinity Designer or even into text processing software like Word or Pages, the bounding box of this plot, will exactly be of this size and you can arrange additional graphs to form a whole figure easily without rescaling thing. If you use the plot in \LaTeX `manuscript, which is two-column it can be used without scaling, i.e. by `includegraphics{Figure 1.pdf}``to show up in the appropriate size over one column.

There are a few more things to realize.

  • While the bounding box of this figure is of this size, the axis box is smaller and often there is a certain empty space on the left/bottom side between the axis labels and the edge of the bounding box. That very much depends on you specific plot. We will address how to create a figure with a fixed axis frame size in the second section.

  • The font size on the axis is now 10 or 11 pts, which matches the font size of most documents you creating using this figure. I used the following plt.rcParams: ‘axes.labelsize’: 11, ‘xtick.labelsize’ : 10, ‘ytick.labelsize’ : 10 for the shown plot.

  • You will also realize that working with this figure size is not good in a Jupyter notebook. This has to do with how the Jupyter translates the output into the PNG file that is displayed inline. A way to enlarge the plot in the Jupyter notebook but keep its PDF size is to increase the dpi parameter in the plt.figure(figsize=(3,2), dpi=150) command. It is typically set to dpi=75, which is now way to small. A setting dpi=150 seems a reasonable compromise between on-screen and print size. If you want to be completely independent

  • The plt.savefigcommand uses and additional bbox_inches = 'tight'parameter, which ensures that the bounding box is really enclosing all plot components accurately.

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager
from IPython.core.display import HTML

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12,
                     'lines.linewidth': 1,
                     'lines.markersize': 10,
                     'axes.labelsize': 11,
                     'xtick.labelsize' : 10,
                     'ytick.labelsize' : 10,
                     '' : True,
                     'xtick.direction' : 'in',
                     'ytick.right' : True,
                     'ytick.direction' : 'in',})

%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
def get_size(w,h):


plt.xlabel(r"angle $\theta$ in [rad]")
plt.savefig("figure_example1.pdf",bbox_inches = 'tight',dpi=150)

Loading this figure into any software will result in a Figure with a size corresponding to the adjusted width.


Creating a plot with a specific axis frame size#

The axis frame is the box of the frame providing the axes. When creating a figure with the plt.figure() command the axis frame is calculated by matplotlib to be inside the bounding box specified by the figsize, such that all axis annotations fit inside as well. The axis frame is therefore smaller than the specified bounding box and often depends on the axis labels and additional things. If you want to create a plot with a fixed size of the axis frame, it is useful to add a function to your code that sets this size of the axis frame. This function could be

def set_size(w,h, ax=None):
    """ w, h: width, height in inches """
    if not ax: ax=plt.gca()
    l = ax.figure.subplotpars.left
    r = ax.figure.subplotpars.right
    t =
    b = ax.figure.subplotpars.bottom
    figw = float(w)/(r-l)
    figh = float(h)/(t-b)
    ax.figure.set_size_inches(figw, figh)

where you have to specify the desired width and height (in inches) of the current axis ax. The function does not return anything but sets directly the size.

def set_size(w,h, ax=None):
    """ w, h: width, height in inches """
    if not ax: ax=plt.gca()
    l = ax.figure.subplotpars.left
    r = ax.figure.subplotpars.right
    t =
    b = ax.figure.subplotpars.bottom
    figw = float(w)/(r-l)
    figh = float(h)/(t-b)
    ax.figure.set_size_inches(figw, figh)

ax.set_xlabel(r"angle $\theta$ in [rad]")
ax.set_ylabel(r"$v \sin(\theta)$")
plt.savefig("figure_example2.pdf",bbox_inches = 'tight')

If you load this Figure into a graphics software or text processing software, the Figure box, should have a dimension of 7.62 cm times 5.08 cm, without any rescaling:


Choosing fonts#

Matplotlib can access a number of different fonts. Finding the appropriate one to match formula style of your document or publication can be difficult. A list of fonts available to matplotlib can be obtained with the following code snippet, which I found here.

def make_html(fontname):
    return "<p>{font}: <span style='font-family:{font}; font-size: 24px;'>{font}</p>".format(font=fontname)

code = "\n".join([make_html(font) for font in sorted(set([ for f in font_manager.fontManager.ttflist]))])

HTML("<div style='column-count: 2;'>{}</div>".format(code))

AR PL KaitiM Big5: AR PL KaitiM Big5

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Go: Go

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Go Smallcaps: Go Smallcaps

Gubbi: Gubbi

IPAGothic: IPAGothic

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IPAexGothic: IPAexGothic

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Karumbi: Karumbi

Keraleeyam: Keraleeyam

Khmer OS: Khmer OS

Khmer OS System: Khmer OS System

Kinnari: Kinnari


Laksaman: Laksaman

Latin Modern Math: Latin Modern Math

Latin Modern Mono: Latin Modern Mono

Latin Modern Mono Caps: Latin Modern Mono Caps

Latin Modern Mono Light: Latin Modern Mono Light

Latin Modern Mono Light Cond: Latin Modern Mono Light Cond

Latin Modern Mono Prop: Latin Modern Mono Prop

Latin Modern Mono Prop Light: Latin Modern Mono Prop Light

Latin Modern Mono Slanted: Latin Modern Mono Slanted

Latin Modern Roman: Latin Modern Roman

Latin Modern Roman Caps: Latin Modern Roman Caps

Latin Modern Roman Demi: Latin Modern Roman Demi

Latin Modern Roman Dunhill: Latin Modern Roman Dunhill

Latin Modern Roman Slanted: Latin Modern Roman Slanted

Latin Modern Roman Unslanted: Latin Modern Roman Unslanted

Latin Modern Sans: Latin Modern Sans

Latin Modern Sans Demi Cond: Latin Modern Sans Demi Cond

Latin Modern Sans Quotation: Latin Modern Sans Quotation

Lato: Lato

Liberation Mono: Liberation Mono

Liberation Sans: Liberation Sans

Liberation Sans Narrow: Liberation Sans Narrow

Liberation Serif: Liberation Serif

Likhan: Likhan

Linux Biolinum Keyboard O: Linux Biolinum Keyboard O

Linux Biolinum O: Linux Biolinum O

Linux Libertine Display O: Linux Libertine Display O

Linux Libertine Initials O: Linux Libertine Initials O

Linux Libertine Mono O: Linux Libertine Mono O

Linux Libertine O: Linux Libertine O

Lobster Two: Lobster Two

Lohit Assamese: Lohit Assamese

Lohit Bengali: Lohit Bengali

Lohit Devanagari: Lohit Devanagari

Lohit Gujarati: Lohit Gujarati

Lohit Gurmukhi: Lohit Gurmukhi

Lohit Kannada: Lohit Kannada

Lohit Malayalam: Lohit Malayalam

Lohit Odia: Lohit Odia

Lohit Tamil: Lohit Tamil

Lohit Tamil Classical: Lohit Tamil Classical

Lohit Telugu: Lohit Telugu

Loma: Loma

Manjari: Manjari

Meera: Meera

Mitra Mono: Mitra Mono

Mukti Narrow: Mukti Narrow

Nakula: Nakula

Navilu: Navilu

Nimbus Mono PS: Nimbus Mono PS

Nimbus Roman: Nimbus Roman

Nimbus Sans: Nimbus Sans

Nimbus Sans Narrow: Nimbus Sans Narrow

Norasi: Norasi

Noto Kufi Arabic: Noto Kufi Arabic

Noto Mono: Noto Mono

Noto Music: Noto Music

Noto Naskh Arabic: Noto Naskh Arabic

Noto Nastaliq Urdu: Noto Nastaliq Urdu

Noto Sans: Noto Sans

Noto Sans Adlam: Noto Sans Adlam

Noto Sans Adlam Unjoined: Noto Sans Adlam Unjoined

Noto Sans Anatolian Hieroglyphs: Noto Sans Anatolian Hieroglyphs

Noto Sans Arabic: Noto Sans Arabic

Noto Sans Armenian: Noto Sans Armenian

Noto Sans Avestan: Noto Sans Avestan

Noto Sans Bamum: Noto Sans Bamum

Noto Sans Bassa Vah: Noto Sans Bassa Vah

Noto Sans Batak: Noto Sans Batak

Noto Sans Bengali: Noto Sans Bengali

Noto Sans Bhaiksuki: Noto Sans Bhaiksuki

Noto Sans Brahmi: Noto Sans Brahmi

Noto Sans Buginese: Noto Sans Buginese

Noto Sans Buhid: Noto Sans Buhid

Noto Sans CJK JP: Noto Sans CJK JP

Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal: Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal

Noto Sans Carian: Noto Sans Carian

Noto Sans Caucasian Albanian: Noto Sans Caucasian Albanian

Noto Sans Chakma: Noto Sans Chakma

Noto Sans Cham: Noto Sans Cham

Noto Sans Cherokee: Noto Sans Cherokee

Noto Sans Coptic: Noto Sans Coptic

Noto Sans Cuneiform: Noto Sans Cuneiform

Noto Sans Cypriot: Noto Sans Cypriot

Noto Sans Deseret: Noto Sans Deseret

Noto Sans Devanagari: Noto Sans Devanagari

Noto Sans Display: Noto Sans Display

Noto Sans Duployan: Noto Sans Duployan

Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs: Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs

Noto Sans Elbasan: Noto Sans Elbasan

Noto Sans Ethiopic: Noto Sans Ethiopic

Noto Sans Georgian: Noto Sans Georgian

Noto Sans Glagolitic: Noto Sans Glagolitic

Noto Sans Gothic: Noto Sans Gothic

Noto Sans Grantha: Noto Sans Grantha

Noto Sans Gujarati: Noto Sans Gujarati

Noto Sans Gurmukhi: Noto Sans Gurmukhi

Noto Sans Hanifi Rohingya: Noto Sans Hanifi Rohingya

Noto Sans Hanunoo: Noto Sans Hanunoo

Noto Sans Hatran: Noto Sans Hatran

Noto Sans Hebrew: Noto Sans Hebrew

Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic: Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic

Noto Sans Indic Siyaq Numbers: Noto Sans Indic Siyaq Numbers

Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi: Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi

Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian: Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian

Noto Sans Javanese: Noto Sans Javanese

Noto Sans Kaithi: Noto Sans Kaithi

Noto Sans Kannada: Noto Sans Kannada

Noto Sans Kayah Li: Noto Sans Kayah Li

Noto Sans Kharoshthi: Noto Sans Kharoshthi

Noto Sans Khmer: Noto Sans Khmer

Noto Sans Khojki: Noto Sans Khojki

Noto Sans Khudawadi: Noto Sans Khudawadi

Noto Sans Lao: Noto Sans Lao

Noto Sans Lepcha: Noto Sans Lepcha

Noto Sans Limbu: Noto Sans Limbu

Noto Sans Linear A: Noto Sans Linear A

Noto Sans Linear B: Noto Sans Linear B

Noto Sans Lisu: Noto Sans Lisu

Noto Sans Lycian: Noto Sans Lycian

Noto Sans Lydian: Noto Sans Lydian

Noto Sans Mahajani: Noto Sans Mahajani

Noto Sans Malayalam: Noto Sans Malayalam

Noto Sans Mandaic: Noto Sans Mandaic

Noto Sans Manichaean: Noto Sans Manichaean

Noto Sans Marchen: Noto Sans Marchen

Noto Sans Math: Noto Sans Math

Noto Sans Mayan Numerals: Noto Sans Mayan Numerals

Noto Sans Meetei Mayek: Noto Sans Meetei Mayek

Noto Sans Mende Kikakui: Noto Sans Mende Kikakui

Noto Sans Meroitic: Noto Sans Meroitic

Noto Sans Miao: Noto Sans Miao

Noto Sans Modi: Noto Sans Modi

Noto Sans Mongolian: Noto Sans Mongolian

Noto Sans Mono: Noto Sans Mono

Noto Sans Mro: Noto Sans Mro

Noto Sans Multani: Noto Sans Multani

Noto Sans Myanmar: Noto Sans Myanmar

Noto Sans NKo: Noto Sans NKo

Noto Sans Nabataean: Noto Sans Nabataean

Noto Sans New Tai Lue: Noto Sans New Tai Lue

Noto Sans Newa: Noto Sans Newa

Noto Sans Ogham: Noto Sans Ogham

Noto Sans Ol Chiki: Noto Sans Ol Chiki

Noto Sans Old Hungarian: Noto Sans Old Hungarian

Noto Sans Old Italic: Noto Sans Old Italic

Noto Sans Old North Arabian: Noto Sans Old North Arabian

Noto Sans Old Permic: Noto Sans Old Permic

Noto Sans Old Persian: Noto Sans Old Persian

Noto Sans Old Sogdian: Noto Sans Old Sogdian

Noto Sans Old South Arabian: Noto Sans Old South Arabian

Noto Sans Old Turkic: Noto Sans Old Turkic

Noto Sans Oriya: Noto Sans Oriya

Noto Sans Osage: Noto Sans Osage

Noto Sans Osmanya: Noto Sans Osmanya

Noto Sans Pahawh Hmong: Noto Sans Pahawh Hmong

Noto Sans Palmyrene: Noto Sans Palmyrene

Noto Sans Pau Cin Hau: Noto Sans Pau Cin Hau

Noto Sans PhagsPa: Noto Sans PhagsPa

Noto Sans Phoenician: Noto Sans Phoenician

Noto Sans Psalter Pahlavi: Noto Sans Psalter Pahlavi

Noto Sans Rejang: Noto Sans Rejang

Noto Sans Runic: Noto Sans Runic

Noto Sans Samaritan: Noto Sans Samaritan

Noto Sans Saurashtra: Noto Sans Saurashtra

Noto Sans Sharada: Noto Sans Sharada

Noto Sans Shavian: Noto Sans Shavian

Noto Sans Siddham: Noto Sans Siddham

Noto Sans Sinhala: Noto Sans Sinhala

Noto Sans Sora Sompeng: Noto Sans Sora Sompeng

Noto Sans Sundanese: Noto Sans Sundanese

Noto Sans Syloti Nagri: Noto Sans Syloti Nagri

Noto Sans Symbols: Noto Sans Symbols

Noto Sans Symbols2: Noto Sans Symbols2

Noto Sans Syriac: Noto Sans Syriac

Noto Sans Tagalog: Noto Sans Tagalog

Noto Sans Tagbanwa: Noto Sans Tagbanwa

Noto Sans Tai Le: Noto Sans Tai Le

Noto Sans Tai Tham: Noto Sans Tai Tham

Noto Sans Tai Viet: Noto Sans Tai Viet

Noto Sans Takri: Noto Sans Takri

Noto Sans Tamil: Noto Sans Tamil

Noto Sans Tamil Supplement: Noto Sans Tamil Supplement

Noto Sans Telugu: Noto Sans Telugu

Noto Sans Thaana: Noto Sans Thaana

Noto Sans Thai: Noto Sans Thai

Noto Sans Tibetan: Noto Sans Tibetan

Noto Sans Tifinagh: Noto Sans Tifinagh

Noto Sans Tirhuta: Noto Sans Tirhuta

Noto Sans Ugaritic: Noto Sans Ugaritic

Noto Sans Vai: Noto Sans Vai

Noto Sans Warang Citi: Noto Sans Warang Citi

Noto Sans Yi: Noto Sans Yi

Noto Serif: Noto Serif

Noto Serif Ahom: Noto Serif Ahom

Noto Serif Armenian: Noto Serif Armenian

Noto Serif Balinese: Noto Serif Balinese

Noto Serif Bengali: Noto Serif Bengali

Noto Serif CJK JP: Noto Serif CJK JP

Noto Serif Devanagari: Noto Serif Devanagari

Noto Serif Display: Noto Serif Display

Noto Serif Dogra: Noto Serif Dogra

Noto Serif Ethiopic: Noto Serif Ethiopic

Noto Serif Georgian: Noto Serif Georgian

Noto Serif Gujarati: Noto Serif Gujarati

Noto Serif Gurmukhi: Noto Serif Gurmukhi

Noto Serif Hebrew: Noto Serif Hebrew

Noto Serif Kannada: Noto Serif Kannada

Noto Serif Khmer: Noto Serif Khmer

Noto Serif Lao: Noto Serif Lao

Noto Serif Malayalam: Noto Serif Malayalam

Noto Serif Myanmar: Noto Serif Myanmar

Noto Serif Sinhala: Noto Serif Sinhala

Noto Serif Tamil: Noto Serif Tamil

Noto Serif Tamil Slanted: Noto Serif Tamil Slanted

Noto Serif Tangut: Noto Serif Tangut

Noto Serif Telugu: Noto Serif Telugu

Noto Serif Thai: Noto Serif Thai

Noto Serif Tibetan: Noto Serif Tibetan

Open Sans: Open Sans

Open Sans Condensed: Open Sans Condensed

OpenSymbol: OpenSymbol

P052: P052

Padauk: Padauk

Padauk Book: Padauk Book

Pagul: Pagul

Phetsarath OT: Phetsarath OT

Pothana2000: Pothana2000

Purisa: Purisa

Quicksand: Quicksand

Quicksand Light: Quicksand Light

Quicksand Medium: Quicksand Medium

Rachana: Rachana

RaghuMalayalamSans: RaghuMalayalamSans

Rasa: Rasa

Rekha: Rekha

Roboto: Roboto

Roboto Condensed: Roboto Condensed


STIX Math: STIX Math

STIXGeneral: STIXGeneral

STIXIntegralsD: STIXIntegralsD

STIXIntegralsSm: STIXIntegralsSm

STIXIntegralsUp: STIXIntegralsUp

STIXIntegralsUpD: STIXIntegralsUpD

STIXIntegralsUpSm: STIXIntegralsUpSm

STIXNonUnicode: STIXNonUnicode

STIXSizeFiveSym: STIXSizeFiveSym

STIXSizeFourSym: STIXSizeFourSym

STIXSizeOneSym: STIXSizeOneSym

STIXSizeThreeSym: STIXSizeThreeSym

STIXSizeTwoSym: STIXSizeTwoSym

STIXVariants: STIXVariants

Saab: Saab

Sahadeva: Sahadeva

Samanata: Samanata

Samyak Devanagari: Samyak Devanagari

Samyak Gujarati: Samyak Gujarati

Samyak Malayalam: Samyak Malayalam

Samyak Tamil: Samyak Tamil

Sarai: Sarai

Sawasdee: Sawasdee

Standard Symbols PS: Standard Symbols PS

Suruma: Suruma

TeX Gyre Adventor: TeX Gyre Adventor

TeX Gyre Bonum: TeX Gyre Bonum

TeX Gyre Bonum Math: TeX Gyre Bonum Math

TeX Gyre Chorus: TeX Gyre Chorus

TeX Gyre Cursor: TeX Gyre Cursor

TeX Gyre DejaVu Math: TeX Gyre DejaVu Math

TeX Gyre Heros: TeX Gyre Heros

TeX Gyre Heros Cn: TeX Gyre Heros Cn

TeX Gyre Pagella: TeX Gyre Pagella

TeX Gyre Pagella Math: TeX Gyre Pagella Math

TeX Gyre Schola: TeX Gyre Schola

TeX Gyre Schola Math: TeX Gyre Schola Math

TeX Gyre Termes: TeX Gyre Termes

TeX Gyre Termes Math: TeX Gyre Termes Math

Tibetan Machine Uni: Tibetan Machine Uni

Tinos: Tinos

Tlwg Mono: Tlwg Mono

Tlwg Typewriter: Tlwg Typewriter

Tlwg Typist: Tlwg Typist

Tlwg Typo: Tlwg Typo

URW Bookman: URW Bookman

URW Gothic: URW Gothic

Ubuntu: Ubuntu

Ubuntu Condensed: Ubuntu Condensed

Ubuntu Mono: Ubuntu Mono

Umpush: Umpush

UnBatang: UnBatang

UnDinaru: UnDinaru

UnDotum: UnDotum

UnGraphic: UnGraphic

UnGungseo: UnGungseo

UnJamoBatang: UnJamoBatang

UnJamoDotum: UnJamoDotum

UnJamoNovel: UnJamoNovel

UnJamoSora: UnJamoSora

UnPen: UnPen

UnPenheulim: UnPenheulim

UnPilgi: UnPilgi

UnPilgia: UnPilgia

UnShinmun: UnShinmun

UnTaza: UnTaza

UnVada: UnVada

UnYetgul: UnYetgul

Universalis ADF Std: Universalis ADF Std

Uroob: Uroob

Vemana2000: Vemana2000

Waree: Waree

Yrsa: Yrsa

Z003: Z003

aakar: aakar

cmb10: cmb10

cmex10: cmex10

cmmi10: cmmi10

cmr10: cmr10

cmss10: cmss10

cmsy10: cmsy10

cmtt10: cmtt10

mry_KacstQurn: mry_KacstQurn

ori1Uni: ori1Uni

padmaa: padmaa

padmaa-Bold.1.1: padmaa-Bold.1.1

In case you are writing your document in LaTeX, the cmXXXX fonts might be of interest to you as the match the font used in the LaTeX documents. Here is an example:

cmfont = font_manager.FontProperties(fname=mpl.get_data_path() + '/fonts/ttf/cmr10.ttf')
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12,
                     'axes.titlesize': 12,
                     'axes.labelsize': 12,
                     'axes.labelpad': 12,
                     'lines.linewidth': 1,
                     'lines.markersize': 10,
                     'xtick.labelsize' : 10,
                     'ytick.labelsize' : 10,
                     '' : True,
                     'xtick.direction' : 'in',
                     'ytick.right' : True,
                     'ytick.direction' : 'in',
                     '' : 'serif',
                     'font.serif' : cmfont.get_name(),
                     "axes.formatter.use_mathtext": True,
                     #'text.usetex': True,
                     'mathtext.fontset' : 'cm'
plt.xlabel(r"velocity $v$")
plt.ylabel(r"position $r$")
[ ]: