Lecture Contents

Lecture 15 is out last lecture. There are two topics. At first we will have a quick look at how to interface an Ardnuino to our Jupyter Notebook environment. Using that might be useful to measure something in the future. The second topic will just be a template you may use for your final project. You may download you the template from the mybinder service. Please upload the project as a ZIP file on the website of our course (Molecular Nanophotonics site) once you are finished. Please do not send me your projects by email, because they might get lost. The deadline for the project submission will be on the website as well.

  1. Python and Hardware

  2. Project Template

I very much hope you enjoyed the course, even though I still have to correct the last exercise. Please leave a message on the forum if you want to give any comment. I will be happy to include any suggestion.

All the best Frank