This page was generated from `source/notebooks/L15/2_project_template.ipynb`_.
Binder badge


by Max Mustermann, Matrikel #

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• please don't forget to put your name and Matrikel #. Otherwise we cannot sort that to the right name.
• please do one project per person. group projects will be not allowed
• submit the project on the molecular nanophotonics course pages
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

## add all the module imports here at the beginning, give our usual formatting options.


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Please write here an introduction about your project. Describe the topic and why you chose to work on that project, what you want to achieve.
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## code goes here


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add some fundamentals, which are required to understand the topic. This could be drawings, text, formulas and other considerations.
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## code goes here

Results and Discussion

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• Please do all calculation for your project here including a discussion of the meaning of the results.
• The discussion is important! You should describe what the results mean, even if you think I will know that. Describe the results as if somebody would not know the topic you are dealing with.
• I will give most of the credit to the discussion
• Also note that all diagrams require axes labels and tick labels with an appropriate size.
## code goes here


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This is just the summary. Sounds that easy, but you should return to what you have stated as a problem or your intention in the introduction. This is more difficult. You should not just write what the results were.