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In Python errors are managed with a special language construct called “Exceptions”. When errors occur exceptions can be raised, which interrupts the normal program flow and fallback to somewhere else in the code where the closest try-except statement is defined.

To generate an exception we can use the raise statement, which takes an argument that must be an instance of the class BaseException or a class derived from it.

raise Exception("description of the error")
Exception                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-c32f93e4dfa0> in <module>
----> 1 raise Exception("description of the error")

Exception: description of the error

A typical use of exceptions is to abort functions when some error condition occurs, for example:

def my_function(arguments):

    if not verify(arguments):
        raise Exception("Invalid arguments")

    # rest of the code goes here

To gracefully catch errors that are generated by functions and class methods, or by the Python interpreter itself, use the try and except statements:

    # normal code goes here
    # code for error handling goes here
    # this code is not executed unless the code
    # above generated an error

For example:

    # generate an error: the variable test is not defined
    print("Caught an exception")
Caught an exception

To get information about the error, we can access the Exception class instance that describes the exception by using for example:

except Exception as e:
    # generate an error: the variable test is not defined
except Exception as e:
    print("Caught an exception:" + str(e))
Caught an exception:name 'test' is not defined